Privacy Policy

This Privacy Policy covers the information we collect about you / your clients when you use our services, or otherwise interact with Attraction Ticket Shop. 

This policy also explains your choices about how we use information about you. Your choices include how you can object to certain uses of information about you and how you can access and update certain information about you. If you do not agree with this policy, do not use our Services or interact with any other aspect of our business.

We take your privacy very seriously. For European Union client we are registered with the Information Commissioner's Office as a data controller processing personal information In line with GDPR requirements, our privacy policy explains how we use any personal information we collect about you and how we keep it secure.

Your rights:

You have the following rights for individuals which you can exercise where applicable in relation to the information we hold about you:

•   The right to be informed

•   The right of access

•   The right to rectification

•   The right to erasure

•   The right to restrict processing

•   The right to data portability

•   The right to object

•   Rights in relation to automated decision making and profiling.

You can read more about these rights here –

We do not collect personal information when you visit our site unless you complete an order with us, an optional registration, submit a survey, or enter a contest. If you do register, submit a survey or enter a contest, we never disclose any of your personal information to third parties. When providing personal information, we may ask for contact information such as name, postal address and email address. Providing you give us your permission to do so, we will use this contact information to send newsletters, information about Attraction Ticket Shop or other promotional materials from us. You always have the option of discontinuing future mailings. To do so, please contact the company directly by using the information found in the “Contact Us” section, or simply follow the link provided in any mailing.

We use email links or Web forms throughout our site for customer comments and suggestions. We will make every effort to respond to your questions or comments in a prompt manner. Any information we collect from emails or Web forms is used for the purpose of responding to the questions or comments. We may also file your comments to improve the site and program, or review and discard the information.

We are fully committed to protecting your personal information. We do not by practice share, sell, or rent any information you provide to us to any unaffiliated third party. Attraction Ticket Shop may disclose aggregate data and statistics in order to describe our site and services to prospective partners, co-branded partners, advertisers and other third parties, or other lawful purposes. We do not use your mailing address information for unsolicited marketing unless we either have your permission or believe in good faith that the law requires it.

When placing an order with Attraction Ticket Shop, relevant data will be passed to third party suppliers in order to fulfil your contract with us. We will only ever provide the minimum amount of data required to complete your contract. If you choose not to allow us to share this information we may not be able to fulfil your contract.

Third Parties

Attraction Ticket Shop has partnerships with third parties who may provide you with a variety of services if you have signed up for them. As a part of these partnerships, any information you provide directly to that third party in connection with these services is covered by the privacy practices of that third party. We recommend you consult the privacy policies of our third party partners prior to providing any personal information.


When you place an order on Attraction Ticket Shop and any sites located on the domain with a co-branded domain, we will ask you for the following personal information: name, email address, mailing address, and phone number. This information is transmitted via a secure encrypted server using Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) technology, the approved industry standard (see Security section below). If necessary, we will use your personal information to contact you for account purposes.

Contests or Surveys

In the case of promotions or surveys, personal data will be collected. Such surveys or contests may ask you for personal information, which may include demographic details (e.g., ZIP code / Postal Code, age or income level). If necessary, we will use your personal information to contact you regarding your entry. This information is also collected for the purpose of verifying eligibility and in some case entrant preferences. Should we pass this information on we will make sure your data is anonymous. Whereas it is specifically stated that this information will be passed on there will be an option available to have personal information withheld and information will only be used for clearly defined purposes.

Cookies, IP Addresses and Security

“Cookies” are used to distinguish and relate non-personal data to individuals. These are “small strings of text” that are stored in Browsers; Cookies are not programs that can damage your computer. These “cookies” are also used to help you set your preferences when visiting our sites, so once you have filled out preferences or other information you don’t have to fill it out on your next visit.

If you wish to stop the Cookie functionality on your browser you may do so by following some simple procedures. If you are using Netscape Navigator visit If you are using Internet Explorer visit

We also use your IP address to help diagnose problems with our server, and to administer our Web site. Your IP address is used to help identify you.

How we keep your Data Secure

We use industry-standard SSL authentication to protect the confidentiality and privacy of online transactions conducted at our site. SSL authentication and encryption (scrambling) ensures that your online transaction and credit card information are safe from third-party interception.

Travel House of America provide ticket / tour sales on Travel Tickets and Tours and are compliant with General Data Protection laws and are registered with the ICO.

How long do we keep your data for?

Personal data that we process via this website for any purpose or purposes shall not be kept for longer than is necessary for that purpose or those purposes.

We will retain your personal data as follows:

(a) Personal data supplied for the purposes of an enquiry or quote will be retained for a minimum period relating to the valid date of a quote and for a maximum period of the length of our business relationship.

(b) Data supplied for the purposes of general enquiries will be kept until the enquiry has been satisfactorily answered.

(c) Personal details attached to your booking will remain on our booking system invoices and be retained in accordance with the law relating to income tax and audit purposes. This is for a maximum period of 5 years. We do not retain any payment card details.

Notification of Changes

This policy will be revised over time as new features are added to the Web site. We will post changes prominently so that you will always know what information we gather, how we might use that information, and whether we will disclose it to anyone. If there is a change in the way we use your personal information, we will notify you via written or email notice of those changes and post the changes in our privacy statement a minimum of 30 days prior to the change taking effect. At the time you receive such a message, you will be able to opt-out of having your information used by contacting us via any of the methods listed below.


We reserve the right to access and disclose individually identifiable information to comply with applicable laws and lawful government requests, to operate its systems properly or to protect itself or its users. Where practical, we will attempt to obtain the prior consent of the individual prior to disclosing individually identifiable information. As mentioned above, we also reserve the right to share aggregated “site usage” information with third parties. We will only pass information without consent because of a legal request.

Contacting Us

Your information is controlled by Attraction Ticket Shop If you have questions or concerns about how your information is handled, please direct your inquiry to Attraction Ticket Shop as set out below. You have the right to request a copy of the information that we hold about you. If you would like a copy of some or all of your personal information, please email or write to us. We want to make sure that your personal information is accurate and up to date. You may ask us to correct or remove information you think is inaccurate.

If you have any concerns about the way we have processed your personal information please contact us immediately and we will do our best to rectify the situation.

In the event that we are unable to alleviate your concerns you have the right to complain to the relevant supervisory authority.

Travel Trade Tickets and Tours

ICO Registration number: ZA362933


5 Royal Hunt House

Fernbank Road






P.O. Box 121087


Florida 34712




We review our data policy regularly to keep it up to date. This policy was last reviewed: 30th January 2024