Clearwater Marine Aquarium (Admission Only)

Clearwater Marine Aquarium (Admission Only)

Reward Points: 50

Adult Price:
USD $32.00

Child Price: (3-12)
USD $24.00

Prices include Tax

Get ready to visit the home of Winter the dolphin and get an immersive look into the world of marine life rescue.

Perfect for those who have a car and are looking to escape the hustle and bustle of the parks for a day or for those having a beach stay at Clearwater.

Not Your Typical Aquarium...
We are not exactly like the aquariums you may have visited in the past. We exist to rescue marine animals (dolphins, sea turtles, river otters, etc.), rehabilitate them from sickness or injury, and release them back into their natural habitats.
Working Marine Hospital...
A majority of our resident animals – including Winter – cannot be released due to a variety of reasons, so you will see them in permanent habitats and learn their stories. You’ll also see a number of animals currently undergoing rehabilitation in our working animal hospital. Our staff and volunteers give presentations and talks throughout the day at various habitats and exhibits, educating you in a fun way about the work we’re doing daily to take care of marine life and the environment to make it a safer, healthier place for these animals.
Average Visiting Time...
Plan to spend about 2-3 hours with us at Clearwater Marine Aquarium to enjoy learning about all of our rescued and resident animals. Catch some of our daily presentations and make sure to watch the daily showing in the Spectrum Theatre. 
We are regularly open 10 am to 6 pm and have extended hours seasonally. CMA is open every day except Christmas Day and Thanksgiving Day.
General Admission
Includes entry to Clearwater Marine Aquarium. Visit the home of Winter the Dolphin, the inspiration behind the Dolphin Tale movies, and experience the world of marine life rescue at our working animal hospital.
You are more than welcome to wander our facility at your leisure, but we recommend taking part in some or many of our activities to learn more about what we do, enhance your experience and get the most from your visit. While some activities require an additional fee, many are free and included with your general admission ticket.
Winter’s Survival Story
Winter was found stranded in Mosquito Lagoon, near Cape Canaveral, Florida when she was only two months old, entangled in a crab trap line which cut off circulation to her tail flukes. After disentanglement, she was transported to Clearwater Marine Aquarium for treatment of her extensive injuries. However, despite exhaustive efforts to promote healing, her tail deteriorated and could not be saved. Her story is unusual – most dolphins trapped in monofilament and crab trap lines do not survive. Despite overwhelming odds against survival, Winter’s energy and ability to adapt to her new physical form surpassed expectations. She recovered completely, adapted to a new swim pattern and learned to eat fish on her own… about 12 pounds a day!